Values & Ethos
“People will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.”
Maya Angelou
The vision of being a happy school is rooted in the belief that everyone at any stage of their education and career will perform better when happy. Happiness comes from valuing the individual and having the highest expectations in how we work together.
Our school values must apply to, and be adopted by, all members of the community: staff, students, parents, trustees, members and the wider community:
We will create a culture where all members of the school community know they are valued and challenged to be the best version of themselves. This in turn will give everyone the confidence and bravery to make the most of every opportunity.
Our behaviour policy will be robust but will set respect and kindness at the heart of all interactions. Behaviour support will be based on restorative justice and helping pupils understand the consequences of their actions.
Our work in the community with the local family of schools, businesses, charities, agencies and community groups will reflect the inclusivity and openness which are central to our ethos. The Griffin Primary School will be a significant local hub that will promote community cohesion.